kipple live at mopomoso

24 02 2013

kipple is the unique free jazz sextet i play with. the unusual instrumentation features two strong electronics section alongside guitar to provide both harmonic, textural and noise dimensions to the music. and as well as drums, we have two other acoustic players on trumpet and soprano sax.

we play with a surprising range of dynamics from full on free jazz to minimal noise improv and out of nowhere, a slow melody may appear and take you to ballad cloud-land… to then slap you straight back to contemporary weirdness and dissonant multiphonia…

it’s a rollercoaster of a journey and it won’t leave you any minute to catch your breath.

of course, music is best experienced live… but john russell at mopomoso is kindly documenting all his events, so here are some cool videos from london’s vortex.




Ian Simpson (electronics), Derek Saw (trumpet/flugelhorn), Shaun Blezard (electronics), Hervé Perez (soprano saxophone), John Jasnoch (guitars) & Charlie Collins (drums/percussion) at Mopomoso free improvisation night. Filmed by Kostas Chondros at the Vortex, London, on 17 February 2013.




Kipple is a word coined by the remarkable science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. It refers to the sinister type of rubbish which simply builds up without any human intervention. Eventually, one day, the entire world will have moved to a state of kipplization

From Phil Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”




Kipple combines the momentum of ESP era free jazz with a 2 man low fi electronics section in place of the piano. The rhythm section is that used by Sonny Simmons on his UK gigs. The free blowing trumpet/soprano sax front line manages to be intense and relaxed at the same time.

(Phil Morton, Frakture, 2011)




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Released by Electronic Musik


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Released by Electronic Musik