Winds of Change nt002

27 03 2020

Second release from the new nexTTime production output is a collaboration with multi instrumentalist Alexandru Hegyesi.

File sharing over the net, the starting point was a series of short recordings by alex featuring cymbalum, bowed & picked soprano psaltery and dulcimer.

This material was processed and sculpted to produce a range of samples that provide harmonic, textural and rhythmical contents. The compositions were then arranged, and finally, i added field recordings and saxophone improvisations.



First released by netlabel electronic musik as em124


Seven Sounds nt001

20 03 2020

The first release from the new nexTTime production output is a collection of electroacoustic compositions.

The music is composed using sounds from the 5 elements (TCM, qi gong), and use resonant frequencies of the recorded natural sounds.

Each element is attributed an energy centre and entrains the body and the corresponding chakras following techniques of sound therapy. Beat frequencies are used throughout and help the mind settle and relax.




nexttime production

19 03 2020

i have been making music under the nexTTime production banner for a while, and i am very pleased to announce that you can now find our music on bandcamp where i will be releasing, in collaboration with the label discus music, a range of compositions, field recordings, collaborations of electroacoustic music.

go to this page for all of our releases so far, and i will be posting news about each album soon. thanks for listening and for your support. i hope you enjoy my sounds.

